portait of Patrick Heneise

Hi! I'm Patrick.

I'm a Software Enginer focusing on web applications and “cloud native” solutions. In 1990 I started gaming on x386 PCs and crafted my first “website” around 1996. Since then I've worked with dozens of languages, frameworks, databases and stuff long forgotten. I have over 20 years professional experience in software solutions and have helped many people accomplish their projects.

After studing Computer Science in Media (BSc at Furtwangen University in Germany) and Media Technology (MSc at Leiden University in the Netherlands), I lived a few years in Barcelona and co-founded blended.io. Approaching the end of 2017 my wife and I needed a change and we started a new life. We adopted a location independend, nomadic lifestyle.

As an Estonian e-Resident, I founded Zentered.co, a software engineering and consulting firm. Since then, we travelled to a over a dozen countries in Europe and South East Asia.

Due to COVID-19, we've decided to temporarily settle down in Cyprus and moved to a new home near Paphos.

What I'm currently working with

devicon of JavaScript
devicon of Node.js
devicon of Next.js
devicon of react
devicon of Terraform
devicon of graphql
devicon of storybook
devicon of NPM
devicon of Docker
devicon of Google Cloud Platform
devicon of Tailwind CSS
devicon of HTML5
devicon of git
devicon of GitHub
devicon of markdown
devicon of ElasticSearch
devicon of postgresql
devicon of PlanetScale
devicon of apple
devicon of safari
devicon of figma
devicon of slack
devicon of vscode

What I'm learning

devicon of Swift
devicon of kubernetes

What I've worked with

devicon of Amazon Web Services
devicon of angularjs
devicon of apache
devicon of arduino
devicon of atom
devicon of azure
devicon of babel
devicon of bash
devicon of bitbucket
devicon of bootstrap
devicon of bower
devicon of bulma
devicon of centos
devicon of circleci
devicon of codecov
devicon of coffeescript
devicon of couchdb
devicon of cplusplus
devicon of css3
devicon of debian
devicon of digitalocean
devicon of electron
devicon of eleventy
devicon of express
devicon of firebase
devicon of gitlab
devicon of gitter
devicon of handlebars
devicon of heroku
devicon of html5
devicon of JAMStack
devicon of java
devicon of jest
devicon of jquery
devicon of matlab
devicon of mocha
devicon of nginx
devicon of nuxtjs
devicon of mysql
devicon of raspberrypi
devicon of oracle
devicon of php
devicon of processing
devicon of rails
devicon of redis
devicon of sass
devicon of sequelize
devicon of socketio
devicon of ssh
devicon of travis
devicon of trello
devicon of ubuntu
devicon of unix
devicon of vagrant
devicon of vim
devicon of wordpress
devicon of webpack
devicon of twitter
devicon of vuejs

Life in numbers

Countries visited
Countries lived in
Projects worked on
Companies founded
Communities co-founded
Conferences co-organized
mapbox map of the countries I travelled to